Hong Kong

Wanchai | July 2011

HKD 109.65; HKD 44.96 (USD 5.77, EUR 4.01) for food.

This is based on a per capita per-day basis of a poverty indicator for Hong Kong (half of the median average household income), and low-income household total food expenditure (covers food and meals bought away from home).

The official poverty analysis framework uses a multi-dimensional approach to monitor 24 poverty indicators, which includes educational and child social support rates, in addition to income indicators. Poverty indicator statistics are mainly collected by the Census and Statistics Department through the General Household Survey and the Social Welfare Department. Poverty and social welfare issues are monitored and championed by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, which is the overall coordinating body for social service NGOs in Hong Kong.

In December 2012, Hong Kong established a Commission on Poverty, for which one of the goals is to set an official poverty line for Hong Kong by end 2013.

Note: Latest available standards and exchange rates were taken as of July 2011, when the photography was undertaken.

Understanding More

Financial Secretary’s Office: Indicators of Poverty – An Update for 2009

Making Long-Term Plans for Poverty Alleviation

2009/10 Household Expenditure Survey