
Hamburg | November 2011

EUR 30.90; EUR 4.82 (USD 6.61) for food.

This is based on per capita per-day basis of the poverty line for Germany and low-income household food expenditure.

In 2009, 15.6% of Germany’s population were at risk of poverty. This was almost unchanged from 2008 (15.5%). The issue of poverty amongst the elderly currently and low-wage earners in the future has been highlighted recently due to an aging population and asset / savings devaluation. Another area of concern is child poverty, which is especially serious in parts of east Germany where unemployment and single parenthood rates are high.

Germany follows the EU standard definition of a relative poverty line, which is 60% of the population’s median income. Poverty figures are reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), which follows the EU-SILC survey.

Note: Latest available standards and exchange rates were taken as of November 2011, when the photography was undertaken.

Understanding More

Germany Statistics – Income, Consumption, Living Conditions

Poverty and Wealth Report of the Federal Government

Pension Armageddon: Germans Fear Poverty Even After Life of Work